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Explore Stolo with 7 Days Trial

Get started with Stolo Pro for completely and unlock your full trading potential

  • Market Alerts
    (Get instant alerts for price movements)
  • 30+ Analysis & Charts
    (Advanced market analysis using powerful charts)
  • Trading Power Tools
    (Scalping Calculator, Trading Journal, Options
    Calculator, Pay In & Pay Outs)
  • Strategy Builder
    (30+ free pre-built strategies)
TradingView Logo Stolo trial plan

Unlock full potential with Premium Plans

Save up to 20% with annual plans , equal to 2 free months

Market Analysis & Charts
Stolo Lite



  • OI Analysis & Charts
  • Option Chain
  • Strategy Builder
  • Multi-window Analysis


Advanced Market Analysis + Live Trades
Stolo Pro


All features of Lite , plus:

  • Unlimited Basket Orders
  • Order Analyser
  • Market Screener & Alerts
  • Market Summary Replay

Comparison Chart

Stolo Lite
Stolo Pro

Scalping Calculator

Trading Journal

Payin / Payout

Option Chain (Nifty / BankNifty)

Open Interest (Nifty / BankNifty)

Sectorial Indices


Market Movers

Trading View Chart

Index Constituents

Future OI Analysis

Future vs Spot Analysis

Option OI Analysis

Stradle/Strangle Chart

Open High Strategy

Total PE-CE Diff

VIX vs Index

Multiple Option Analysis

Option Snapshot

Option Chain for all FNO

Open Interest - Change & Replay

Cumulative OI

PCR vs Index

Strategy Builder

Max Pain

Phone support

Order Analyser

Basket Order

Market summary replay

Market screener*

Market Alerts

* Features currently in private beta & would be released soon.

What Traders Say about Us!

Arvind M.S.

Option chain feature is helpful. It's easy to navigate, and accurate data is nice for making trading decisions.

Manish Ansari

I've tried a few option analysis apps and this is by far the best. The live market analysis is fast and accurate, and the app is easy to use. Well done.

Atul Deshpande

Great looking all-in-one platform for options trading.

Stolo Reviews

Here's why people love Stolo - India's Ultimate Options Trading Platform

Shivalee Shetty

Very fast app for options trading. As a beginner, I'm slowly building my confidence with Stolo Tools. Long way to go in my options trading journey, but this options trading app has been quite helpful so far.

Dakshayini Shivaprakash

Great app. I'm a beginner and this app is easy to use. All the features especially the OI feature is so mindfully put together. Thanks team Stolo.

Chiranjeevi Vc

Started learning options trading on Stolo, it has all the required features to create the best user experience.. best options trading app for beginners which connects with different levels of traders through their community which willgive us clear understanding of the current Market trends.

Mridul Kharkwal

Truly amazing. This platform is feature packed. All the tools and utilities that I need for my options trading is just one tap away. No need to go to multiple platforms.

Anirudh Chari

Amazing platform. Really like the Strategy Builder and the web platform gives you the wholesome experience.

PK Gautam

Ultimate option trading tool. Market analysis and real trading all in one place. Stolo's intuitive UI makes life easier.

Shivalee Shetty

Very fast app for options trading. As a beginner, I'm slowly building my confidence with Stolo Tools. Long way to go in my options trading journey, but this options trading app has been quite helpful so far.

Dakshayini Shivaprakash

Great app. I'm a beginner and this app is easy to use. All the features especially the OI feature is so mindfully put together. Thanks team Stolo.

Chiranjeevi Vc

Started learning options trading on Stolo, it has all the required features to create the best user experience.. best options trading app for beginners which connects with different levels of traders through their community whichwill give us clear understanding of the current Market trends.

Mridul Kharkwal

Truly amazing. This platform is feature packed. All the tools andn utilities that I need for my options trading is just one tap away. No need to go to multiple platforms.

Anirudh Chari

Amazing platform. Really like the Strategy Builder. And the web platform gives you the wholesome experience.

PK Gautam

Ultimate option trading tool. Market analysis and real trading, all in one place. Stolo's intuitive UI makes life easier.

A Strip of Trust

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Yes, you can cancel your subscription, downgrade or upgrade your plan at any time. If you decide to cancel or downgrade your subscription within the first 7 days.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we offer a limited time trial which gives you all access to the “Pro Plan”. Take the trial to witness the power of Stolo - The Ultimate Options Trading Platform.

We offer a 7-day money-back guarantee for your first subscription of any of our monthly plans. No other refunds are offered of successive subscriptions or any other plans.

Currently, we do not have any EMI options. We might look to incorporate it in the future.

We do not charge anything for placing orders through Stolo. You’re free to place as many orders as you want, based on the plan you opt for and it’s completely commission-free.

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